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Triggering A Sentiment Analysis On An Inbound Case in Salesforce, Using AI

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A successful customer support organization requires rapid and accurate assessment of client communications, in order to prioritize cases effectively. With Q-assign’s Plug-in Actions, inbound cases can automatically undergo sentiment analysis powered by AI, enabling support teams to categorize and prioritize cases more efficiently.


To automate the initial evaluation of inbound support cases by utilizing AI-powered sentiment analysis, aiming to improve response times for critical issues and overall customer satisfaction. 


  • The native app, Q-assign, is installed in Salesforce (or, alternatively, Email-to-anything*) 
  • Ortoo’s Plug-in Actions feature is enabled in Q-assign. 
  • Customer support agents must be trained on handling cases post-sentiment analysis. 
  • Inbound cases must be properly logged and categorized within Salesforce. 


  • Salesforce Administrator 
  • AI Sentiment Analysis Tool 
  • Customer Support Agents 
  • Inbound Case (as an entity) 


  1. An inbound case is created in Salesforce when a customer submits a support request. 
  1. Q-assign’s Plug-in Action is triggered upon the case’s arrival, initiating the sentiment analysis. 
  1. The AI tool processes the case content, assessing for positive, neutral, or negative sentiment. 
  1. The case is then automatically tagged with the sentiment score and categorized accordingly within Salesforce. 
  1. Based on the sentiment analysis, cases with negative sentiment are prioritized in the queue. 
  1. Customer support agents are alerted to new, high-priority cases requiring immediate attention. 
  1. Agents respond to prioritized cases, equipped with the insight provided by the sentiment analysis. 


  • Cases are sorted and prioritized based on their sentiment score. 
  • Support agents are immediately aware of high-priority cases. 
  • Customers receive timely responses, especially for urgent or negative experiences. 


  • If the sentiment analysis tool is unavailable, the case is flagged for manual review. 
  • Cases with mixed sentiment signals are flagged for secondary review to determine priority. 

Metrics for Success 

  • Decrease in average response time for high-priority cases. 
  • Increase in customer satisfaction scores (CSAT). 
  • Reduction in the number of escalations due to delayed response. 
  • Improved efficiency in case handling and resource allocation. 

Enhancements: Further developments could include refining AI models for greater accuracy in sentiment detection and expanding the analysis to predict potential resolution strategies. 


Implementing AI-powered sentiment analysis via Q-assign’s Plug-in Actions equips the Customer Support Team with critical insights, enabling them to react swiftly and effectively to varying customer sentiments. This approach not only optimizes the allocation of support resources but also serves to elevate the customer experience by ensuring that urgent matters receive the prompt attention they require.

Note: “Plug-in Actions” features in both of Ortoo’s apps, Email-to-anything and Q-assign. Where Email-to-anything is being used in an advanced Email-to-Case scenario, the sentiment analysis can be called as soon as the case is created. Where Q-assign has been deployed, the sentiment analysis can be triggered immediately prior to assignment.
How to achieve workforce effectiveness
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