All of our apps are available to download from the AppExchange, on a Salesforce free trial, with no obligation to buy.

Our 100% Guarantee

Every one of our apps comes with a 100% guarantee. We’re so convinced our apps will transform your business that we offer a free trial* – with no strings attached. That’s a FREE 30-day trial, the full working product, with all features enabled and 50 free licenses.

This will be a fully managed Proof of Concept (POC). We’ll host a discovery workshop with all key stakeholders (free of charge) and will discuss and collate your business requirements. We’ll help you install the app, and then we’ll configure it to your needs or, if you prefer, train your own team (Salesforce admins or delegated admins) to configure the chosen app.

Over the course of your 30-day trial we’ll continuously improve your solution, fine-tuning it to optimize productivity and performance. If, after 30 days, the value and ROI is not proven, we’ll extend the trial. If you are still not convinced then you can walk away, with nothing to pay. To be clear, our pre-sales consultancy services are completely free of charge.

*Note: Minimum number of licenses is 20

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